Something To Look At : Wadjemup Burial Ground

Something To Look At (Post#22) : Wadjemup Burial Ground

Photos of the day are all about Wadjemup Burial Ground. During my visit in Rottnest Island Museum, I found articles or artifacts that tells that most of the aboriginals died in the island were buried somewhere without recognizing its burial-place. This area before has been used for recreation activities as it was not acknowledge as a sacred site. This means that the respect on buried native people and because they were prisoners was not given accordingly. Lots of aboriginals have been buried across the island. And when I found that they identified an aboriginal burial site, I can think that at this time of ours, the aboriginal community in the island will be able to make effort to tell to people so that a burial site will be able to received respect that it deserve. These photos are part of Rottnest Island Tour October 2016.







Notes :
Photo : burial site, Wadjemup Burial Ground, sacred site, aboriginal burial place
Location : Rottnest Island WA, Australia
Transportation :
1. Join Day Tours from Perth where different options are available or
2. Take cruise to the island with your own or rented boat
Official Website : Rottnest Island

Rottnest Island WA 6161, Australia

Published by

DBA Mountaineer

An IT Professional who is in love to travel to learn more about our world, like natures a lot specially mountains.

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