National Museum of Australia – With Modern Art and Architecture

Parliament House building tour was completed, what’s next? We were back again in the road and driving around Canberra, and in few minutes we were at the next tour destination which is a museum. One thing that I noticed while touring in Canberra is the idea of making the building in the city to be the national institution. The name of the country or nation is either on the building’s or structure’s name. If Parliament House in Canberra is called as Australian Parliament House, the museum’s name in the city has the same case and called as National Museum of Australia.

While I was still in the bus, when we were approaching the museum, my expectation of its building was different. At the back of my mind, its probably like historical structure, an old and classic building, and then we passed a loop shape structure with bold colors which surprised me as that structure signifies modern art and then we had a full stop in the parking lot. Looking at the nearby building ahead of us, I knew to myself that I was wrong in my expectation. It was my mistake because Canberra was not old enough to its development  to have a very old and historic buildings like in Sydney and Melbourne, and the city’s development had been pending during Depression and World War II years.


The Loop (the modern art shape that serve as walkway from parking towards the museum)

The building that we approached  has a modern architecture. The bold colours and design of the building  is new and unique, even its surroundings convey its modern concept, I like what I am seeing in my surroundings.


National Museum of Australia is not the typical museum with a concept of displaying historical and physical archives about its nations history. Its concept is story telling of people who live in the country and even who just passed by Australia.

At the time of the visit, the museum’s exhibit has a theme of  “Glorious Day” which coincides with the centenary celebration of the city.  It features the artwork, music, and photographs during 1913.






Looking at my photos during my visit, there is only one photo that I captured related to theme at that time which was just the piano.


The regular or permanent exhibit display in the museum that I found are below and since they are home exhibit in the museum, these can still be found inside National Museum of Australia.


Ernie Old’s Malvern Star bicycle



Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies steam engine


Endeavor Cannon


Simplex Windmill from Kenya Station




The Percival Gull Six monoplane came with a reputation for high performance


Sunshine harvester


Saw Doctor’s wagon


Ranken family coach

I went to the cafe of the museum and I was surprised that I found a scenic views that I will enjoy, where I got a chance to see the Captain Cook Memorial Jet, National Library of Australia, Commonwealth Avenue Bridge and the Lake Burley Griffin itself or Molonglo River.


Captain Cook Memorial Jet



National Library of Australia


Commonwealth Avenue Bridge


Lake Burley Griffin or Molonglo River

After enjoying the museum, we went at the back of the building to see a a place like playground that most youngster can really enjoy at that time. But now you cannot see exactly what I had seen before since this has changed to now they called “Garden of Australian Dreams”.








I enjoyed the visit in the museum. Learned something about Australia again.


Published by

DBA Mountaineer

An IT Professional who is in love to travel to learn more about our world, like natures a lot specially mountains.

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